BioA: Schwartz, Ray & Verna (60th - 2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Schwartz

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 3 Jan. 2007; page 6

---Schwartz, Ray & Verna (60th - 10 Aug. 2006)

Ray and Verna Schwartz

Ray and Verna Schwartz celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary early with a trip to Hawaii in March 2006.

They then celebrated on their day Aug. 10, with a dinner for close family members.

Ray retired from the United States Air Force after 21 years, from the Department of Transportation after 20 years and Verna worked at Red Owl for many years. They both enjoy camping with their travel club and spending their winters in Texas. They have three children, five grandchildren (one deceased) and three great-grandchildren and enjoy spending time with family.

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