BioM: Crevier, Allison Leigh (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Crevier, Paul, Kitzke, Horath, Robertson, Kossoris, Meyer, Hamann, Seehafer, Kramer, Bell, Woboril, Bronstad, Heine, McGee

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 24 Jan. 2007; page 9

---Crevier, Allison Leigh (Marriage - 5 Aug. 2006)


Allison Leigh Crevier and Timothy John Paul, both of Franklin, were united in marriage on Aug. 5, 2006, at Three Holy Women Catholic Parish in Milwaukee. Revs. Timothy Kitzke of Milwaukee and James Horath of Merrill both officiated the afternoon ceremony, with music provided by organist Mary Robertson and trumpeter Steve Kossoris.

The bride is the daughter of Allan and Carol Crevier, Merrill. The groom is the son of Richard and Bonnie Paul, Brookfield.

Matron of honor was Melissa Meyer, sister of the bride, Merrill, and maid of honor was Abby Crevier, sister of the bride, Milwaukee. Best men were Richard Paul Sr., father of the groom, Brookfield, and Richard Paul Jr., brother of the groom, Milwaukee.

Serving as bridesmaids were Tammy Paul, sister of the groom, Johnson Creek; Allex Hamann-Paul, sister-in-law of the groom, Milwaukee; Nicki Seehafer, cousin of the bride, Green Bay; Kaitie Kramer, Madison; and Sarah Bell, Portland, Ore. Groomsmen included P.J. Woboril, Brookfield; Jeff Bronstad, Milwaukee; Don Laine, Portland, Ore.; Eric Meyer, brother-in-law of the bride, Merrill; and Erik Heine, cousin of the groom, Cudahy.

Ushers were Christopher McGee, Irvine, Calif.; and Troy Seehafer, cousin of the bride, Green Bay.

A reception was held at the Four Points Sheraton Milwaukee Airport. The couple honeymooned in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Ali is an accountant and senior financial analyst at S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. in Racine. Tim is a pharmacy analyst for Walgreen's Corporate Headquarters in Deerfield, Ill. The couple currently resides in Franklin.

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