BioM: Voelz, Nancy Ann (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Voelz, Immel, Nicholson, Benson, Hefley

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 24 Jan. 2007; page 9

---Voelz, Nancy Ann (Marriage - 6 Dec. 2006)


Nancy Ann Voelz and Paul Kenneth Immel, both of Merrill, were united in marriage on Dec. 6, 2006, at Wai'a lae Beach, Oahu Island, Hawaii. Rev. Margaret Nicholson officiated.

The bride is the daughter of the late Harold Benson and Laura Benson, Owen. The groom is the son of Kenneth Immel and the late Carol Mabel Immel, New London.

The wedding couple had an intimate Hawaiian wedding ceremony with the bride and groom exchanging Royal Orchid and Ginger Hawaiian flower leis.

Afterwards, the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Ruth Ann and Larry Hefley, who live on Oahu, took the wedding couple out to celebrate their union at 3660 On the Rise, located in Kaimuki East Honolulu, Hawaii.

A private reception is planned for the summer of 2007. The couple lives in Merrill.

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