BioM: Krueger, Heather Ann (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Krueger, Gapko, Bratkowski, LeStarge, Bastianelli, Staples, Walseth, Hacke, Guillaume, Gapko, Malsack, Moe, Pier, Linker

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 24 Jan. 2007; page 9

---Krueger, Heather Ann (Marriage - 3 June 2006)


Heather Ann Krueger, Salem, and Lucas Matthew Gapko, Kenosha, were married June 3, 2006, at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Kenosha. Rev. Allen Bratkowski officiated at the early afternoon ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of James and Anne Krueger, Salem. The groom is the son of Michael and Mary Gapko, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Carrie LeStarge and best man was Mike Bastianelli.

Bridesmaids included Andrea Gapko, Liesl Krueger, Jessica Krueger, Sarah Staples, Angela Walseth, Valerie Krueger and Tabatha Hacke. Flower girls were McKenna Krueger and Savannah Guillaume.

Serving as groomsmen were Greg Krueger, Zach Gapko, Matt Gapko, Chris Malsack, Bill Moe, Eric Pier and Jerry Linker. Cameron Krueger was ring bearer.

A reception was held at Marino's Country Aire, Kenosha. The couple honeymooned in Door County.

Heather graduated from Central High School in Paddock Lake and attended Gateway Technical college in Kenosha. She works at the Lone Star Steakhouse in Racine. Lucas graduated from Bradford High School in Kenosha and Gateway Technical College. He works at Mazak Corporation in Schaumburg, Ill. The pair lives in Kenosha.

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