BioA: Lass, Ron & Dorothy (Golden - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Lass, Marcek, Grund, Plautz, Matthiae

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 25 July, 2007; Page 9

---Lass, Ron & Dorothy (Golden -1 June 2007)

Ron and Dorothy Lass

Ron and Dorothy Lass celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 1, 2007, with a family celebration in their honor at Michel's in Stevens Point.

Ron, from Evanston, Ill.; and the former Dorothy Marcek, Marinette, met in Milwaukee through a friend. Ron was serving in the Coast Guard and Dorothy worked at North Western Insurance. They were married on June 1, 1957, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Marinette.

Ron was the president of M&I Bank before retiring in 1995 after 24 years. He was involved in many community activities including: the Lions Club since 1968; Noon Lions since 1977; Merrill Little League; Merrill City Plan Commission; Police and Fire Commission; director of the Merrill Area Development Corporation; officer and director of the Merrill Area Chamber of Commerce; and former member of the Elk's Club and Rotary Club. Ron received the Melvin Jones Fellows Award.

Dorothy worked at Thelma's Dress Shop.

Ron and Dorothy now have a home in Ocala, Fla., and return to Merrill for the summer, staying out on Knights Lake.

Ron and Dorothy's family includes a daughter Audrey Lass, Merrill; sons Bob (Wendy) and Joe (Dawn), both of Stevens Point; grandsons Adam Grund, Grayslake, Ill.; and Eric and Mike Lass, Stevens Point; granddaughters Heather (Beaver) Plautz, Merrill; Morgan (Chuck) Matthiae, Fort Richardson, Alaska; and Krista, Carly and Kayla Lass, all of Stevens Point; and great-grandchildren Piper and Paige Plautz, Merrill; and Madison and Preston Matthiae, Fort Richardson, Alaska.

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