BioA: Simon, Herb & Mardell (Golden - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Simon, Prueser, Gade, Galdie, Turckes, Bruley, Thompson, Aclin

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 25 July, 2007; Page 9

---Simon, Herb & Mardell (Golden - 7 July 007)

Herb and Mardell Simon

Herb and Mardell Simon of the town of Merrill celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 7, 2007, with immediate family members at Kathy and Cal's Club 64 in Merrill.

Herb and the former Mardell Prueser were married at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Gleason on June 8, 1957, with Rev. Edward Gade performing the ceremony. Herb and Mardell have lived in the Merrill area ever since, residing in their present home since September 1959.

Herb is retired from the Lincoln County Highway Department where he was the purchasing agent. Mardell is retired from the Merrill school district. Both have kept busy with yard work, gardening and volunteer work. They both enjoy reading and bowling. Herb enjoys deer hunting with his hunting gang, while Mardell likes to quilt and sew.

Family members attending the dinner were son Mike (Sarah), Madison; daughter Debbie (Jerry) Caldie, Green Bay; daughter Denise Turckes and grandson Christian, Milwaukee; son Wayne and grandson Zachary, Augusta, W. V.; granddaughter Kara (Ben) Bruley and their son Kaiden, Green Bay; granddaughter Desiree (Aaron) Thompson, Menomonee Falls; and granddaughter Hilary Simon, Oshkosh.

Daughter-in-law Cathy Simon, Augusta, W.V.; granddaughter Alyssa Simon, Madison; granddaughter Megan Turckes, Milwaukee; and step-granddaughter Abbie Aclin, serving in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Wasp stationed out of Norfolk, VA., were unable to attend.

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