BioA: Haltinner, Albert & Martha (Golden - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Haltinner, Moses, Harman

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 5 Sept. 2007; Page 11

---Haltinner, Albert & Martha (Golden - 17 Aug. 2007)

Albert and Martha Haltinner

Albert and Martha Haltinner celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 17, 2007, with their family in Merrill. The celebration took place at the residence of their son and daughter-in law, Albert and Jodie. The family spent their time enjoying each other's company, laughing over wonderful times spent together, playing in the pool and on the trampoline, and playing with the family pets. Since the family is spread around the world, the time was cherished immensely by all.

Albert and Martha were married in Switzerland on Aug. 17, 1957, and moved to the USA and Merrill in the spring of 1967. Albert retired from the family farm, however he still helps Norbert as needed on the farm in Merrill, and Martha is a seamstress at a bridal shop in Wausau.

The party was given by their children: Albert and Jodie Haltinner, Merrill; Urs and Betsy Haltinner, Menomonie; Jnge Haltinner and Kirk Moses, Las Vegas, Nev.; Martha Haltinner (her husband Kossa Harman was not able to attend), Zurich, Switzerland; and Norbert and Heidi Haltinner, Merrill. Grandchildren present were Jason (Athena) Haltinner, Kyle Haltinner (Amanda), and Cassie Haltinner, all of Merrill; Andra and Alexa Haltinner, Menomonie; Zadin and Dewran Harman, Zurich, Switzerland; and Jakob Haltinner, Merrill. Other very important guests were Foxy, Merrill; Mia, Menomonie; and Fabio and Zora, Las Vegas (all family pets).

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