BioA: Schield, Ray & Arlene (60th - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Schield, Drumm, Neil, Wade, Peck, Uttech, Coates, Kraucyk, Schmidt, Conradt, Rasmussen, Emmer, Lincoln, Hess

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 21 Nov. 2007; Page 8

---Schield, Ray & Arlene (60th - 2 Sept. 2007)

Ray and Arlene Schield

Ray and Arlene Schield celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Sept. 2, 2007, with an afternoon reception and a 5 p.m. dinner at the Eagles Club in Merrill. The couple was married Aug. 30, 1947, in Grace Lutheran Church, town of Maine.

Other members of the wedding party present included attendants Jeanette Drumm, Berneice (Neil) Wade, and Christine (Howard) Peck, all of Merrill; Ellsworth Shields, Madison; and usher Clarence (Adeline) Uttech, Merrill. Their children and some of the grandchildren played keyboard and sang songs reminiscent of yesteryear.

Their family, who were all present at the party, includes their children Kathy (Chuck) Coates and Greg (Holly) Schield, of Merrill; grandchildren Carissa (Shannon) Kraucyk, Stetsonville; Carla (Chad) Emmer, Joshua (Jesse) Coates and Joel Coates and friend, of Merrill; Faith and Greg Schmidt, Rothschild, Kimberly Schield and John Conradt, Amherst Junction; Jason Rasmussen and Alicia, Wausau; and great-grandchildren Leah, Riley and Payton Kraucyk, Stetsonville; Elijah, Eliana and Elexa Emmer and Christopher Coates, all of Merrill; Payge and Dylan Lincoln, Rothschild; and Alicia and India Rasmussen, Wausau. Daughter Sandra Rasmussen is deceased. Also present were sister Alice Hess and Godson Dr. Bradley (Lisa) Peck, Wausau, and their family, as well as a few close friends of the couple.

The couple is still very active, spending 4- winter months in Florida, the rest of the year in Wisconsin.

Ray still does real estate appraisal in the area during the summer and plays in the Wausau Concert band every week at Marathon Park during the summer season, as well as jobs in Florida. He has been a musician for 65 years.

Arlene is still involved with HCE (Home and Community Education) and does some flea marketing.

The couple still plays cards with a sheephead group started almost 60 years ago. They are members of Faith Lutheran Church, where they are involved, Arlene with Women of Faith (Ladies Aid) for all her married life, a former choir member and Sunday school teacher, and Ray a former choir director.

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