BioA: Woller, Leroy & Joyce (Golden - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Woller, Lipka, Bartelt, Wendt, Stahel, Steen, Banekc, Keiser, Wegner

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 12 Dec. 2007; Page 23

---Woller, Leroy & Joyce (Golden - 16 Sept. 2007)

Leroy & Joyce Woller

Leroy and Joyce Woller of Merrill celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept. 16, 2007, with a dinner at Schult-s Country Inn. Other members of the original wedding part in attendance included Betty Lipka, Merrill; Lloyd Bartelt, Friendship; Vernette Wendt, Merrill; Eugene Stahel, Wausau; Alice Steen, Rib Lake; and Larry Woller, Dorthea Baneck and Darlene Keiser, all of Merrill.

Leroy and the former Joyce Zogg were married Sept. 14, 1957, at St. Stephen-s Church, Merrill. Leroy and Joyce-s family includes their children, Lynn Wegner, Merrill; Cindy Steen, Dorchester, and Laurie Wegner, Evan Woller and Marlon Woller, all of Merrill; nine grandchildren and a great-grandchild.

Leroy and Joyce have lived their entire lives in Merrill area. Leroy worked at the Woller and Fromm Brothers Mink farms, Northern Door, the Foto News, and was a bus drive, farmer and logger. Joyce worked at the Pie Eye Restaurant, Holy Cross and Ward Paper. They attended Trinity Berlin Church when Leroy served as the church-s financial sectary. They took an anniversary trip to Europe, visiting Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and which was Joyce-s father-s homeland.

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