BioM: Schoepke, Heidi (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Schoepke, Eis, Horstketter, Amelse, Gilliard, Stoeckman, Groskreutz

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 15 Aug. 2007; page 9

---Schoepke, Heidi (Marriage - 28 April 2007)


Heidi Schoepke and Michael Eis were united in marriage on April 28, 2007, at St. Francis of Assisi, Manitowoc. Rev. Dan Felton officiated.

The bride is the daughter of Jerry and Rosalie Schoepke, Irma. The groom is the son of William and Mary Jo Eis, Two Rivers.

Maid of honor was Stacy Schoepke, sister of the bride; and Nick Horstketter, the groom's cousin, was best man.

Serving as bridesmaids were Anita Amelse, the bride's aunt; and Becky Gilliard.

Groomsmen were Brian and Chris Eis, both brothers of the groom.

Ushers were Richard Stoeckman and Carl Groskreutz.

They honeymooned in Cozumel and Costa Maya, Mexico, on a cruise.

Heidi is a 2002 graduate of Merrill High School. She is employed at Krueger International, Manitowoc. Michael is a 2002 graduate of Lincoln High School, Manitowoc, and a 2005 graduate of Lakeshore Technical College. He is employed at Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry, Manitowoc.

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