BioM: Vorgpagel, Danielle (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Vorpagel, Beschta, Holdorf, Delosh, Derenz, Freuh, Brooks, VanderVelden, Weishoff, Rueden, Duley, Wutt

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 12 Sept. 2007; Page 13

---Vorgpagel, Danielle (Marriage - 30 June 2007)


Danielle Vorpagel and Darin Beschta were married June 30, 2007, at St. Stephen's United Church of Christ, Merrill. Pastor Missy Holdorf officiated at the early afternoon ceremony, with music provided by "Quartet for Him" and organist Faye Delosh.

The bride is the daughter of Dan and Chris Vorpagel, Merrill. The groom is the son of Duane and Judy Beschta, Solon Springs.

Maid of Honor was Donna Vorpagel, sister of the bride, Norfolk, Va.; and matron of honor was Davida Berenz, sister of the bride, Edgar. Best men were Jon Freuh, Chippewa Falls; and Brian Brooks, Stevens Point.

Serving as bridesmaids were Penny Godleske VanderVelden, Janesville; and Kally Weishoff, Madison.

Groomsmen included Mark Rueden, Chippewa Falls; and Jason Wutt, Waupaca.

Ushers were Steve and Tim Duley, the bride's cousins, Merrill.

A reception was held at The Plaza, Wausau. The couple honeymooned at Williamsburg, Va.

Danielle has a bachelor's degree in communications from UW Stevens Point. She is a conference coordinator at the college. Darin has a Bachelor of Science degree in history education from UW Stevens Point and is pursuing his master's degree in education at UWSP. He is a middle school science teacher in Iola.

The pair lives in Iola.

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