BioM: Smith, Nicole Lynn (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Smith, Nelessen, Hill, Luginbuhl, Weckwerth, Kleinhans, McGregor, Reiman

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 26 Sept. 2007; Page 11

---Smith, Nicole Lynn (Marriage - 4 Aug. 2007)


Nicole Lynn Smith and Joshua Gene Nelessen, both of Merrill, were married Aug. 4, 2007, at Willow Springs Garden, town of Maine, in a late afternoon ceremony. Monte Smith, the bride's father, performed the ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Monte and Mary Smith, Merrill. The groom is the son of Jeff and JeanAnn Nelessen, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Rachel Smith, sister of the bride, Merrill; matron of honor was Melissa Hill, Merrill; and best man was Ben Nelessen, brother of the groom, Merrill.

Bridesmaids included Sarah Luginbuhl, college friend of the bride, Cincinnati, Ohio; Marcy Weckwerth, fiance of the bride's brother, Wausau; Rose Nelessen, sister of the groom, Merrill; and Katie Nelessen, sister of the groom, Merrill. Personal attendant was Jillian Carlson, the bride's cousin, Mosinee.

Serving as groomsmen were Matthew Kleinhans, Merrill; Pat McGregor, Green Bay; Matthew Smith, brother of the bride, Wausau; Kyle Reiman, Merrill; and Eric Nelessen, the groom's cousin, Neenah.

Family and friends were ushered in by the brothers of the bride and groom.

A reception was held at Willow Springs Garden, town of Maine. The couple honeymooned in Riviera Maya, Mexico.

Nicole and Josh are currently attending UW Green Bay. They live in Green Bay.

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