BioM: Godleske, Penny (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Godleske, Vander Velden, Dachelet

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 17 Oct. 2007; page 11

---Godleske, Penny (Marriage - 11 May 2007)

Godleske-Vander Velden

Penny Godleske, Merrill, and Josh Vander Velden, Kimberly, were married May 11, 2007, at Occidental Grand Resort, Cozumel, Mexico, in a sunset ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Tom and Bev Godleske, Merrill. The groom is the son of Tim and Mary Jo Vander Velden and Dave and Mary Jo Dachelet, all of Kimberly.

Maid of honor was Nikki Godleske, sister of the bride, Natchez, Miss., and Tim Vander Velden, father of the groom, Kimberly, was best man. Also standing up for the couple were bridesmaid Keri Vander Velden, sister of the groom, Marquette, Mich.; and groomsman Russell Godleske, brother of the bride, Merrill.

A reception was held at Memories Banquet Hall, Plover.

Penny has a bachelor's degree in operations management from UW Oshkosh. She is in operations resource with Frito Lay in Beloit. Josh has a bachelor's degree in social science from UW Stevens Point and is currently pursuing his teaching certificate from UW Whitewater.

The couple resides in Janesville.

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