BioM: Graap, Jade Alisha (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Graap, Zastrow, Julson, VonHaden, Morzenti, Walbeck, Pfleiger, Natzke

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 14 Nov. 2007; Page 12

---Graap, Jade Alisha (Marriage - 14 July 2007)


Jade Alisha Graap, Merrill, and Matthew Scott Zastrow, Irma, were married July 14, 2007, at Riverside Park, Merrill. Rev. Randy Julson officiated at the late afternoon ceremony, with music provided by soloist Sarah VonHaden.

The bride is the daughter of Russell and Tammy Graap, Merrill. The groom is the son of Matthew and Bernadette Zastrow, Irma.

Maid of honor was Karissa Morzenti, Weston; and Bryan Walbeck, Merrill, was best man. Also standing up for the couple were Kassi Pfleiger, Merrill, bridesmaid; Ty Natzke, Stevens Point, groomsman; and Marilla VonHaden, Wausau, flower girl.

Ushers were Jason and Jesse Graap, brothers of the bride, both from Merrill.

Jade works at Comfort suites, Stevens Point. Matthew is a student at UW Stevens Point and works for United Parcel Service in Stevens Point. They reside in Stevens Point.

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