BioM: Camacho, Cristina Maria (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Camacho, Gruetzmacher, Horeb, Colclasure

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 14 Nov. 2007; Page 12

---Camacho, Cristina Maria (Marriage - 8 Sept. 2007)


Cristina Maria Camacho and Andrew James Gruetzmacher were married Sept. 8, 2007, at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Black Earth.

The bride is the daughter of Diego Jr. and Judy Camacho, Mt. Horeb. The groom is the son of Gene and Sally Gruetzmacher, Merrill.

In addition to many other close friends, Adam Behm, Adam Evans and Peter Colclasure, all originally from Merrill, stood up in the wedding.

A dinner and dancing followed the ceremony at Veterans' Park.

Cristina is a 1999 graduate of Darlington High School. She graduated from Edgewood College, Madison, with B.S. degrees in biology and natural science and also holds a degree in mortuary science. She is a licensed funeral director and embalmer with Ellested & Steil Camacho Funeral Homes & Crematory in Darlington, Mt. Horeb and Black Earth. Andrew is a 1999 graduate of Merrill High School and a graduate of UW Milwaukee with a B.A. degree in English and will soon complete his master's degree in library and information science.

The couple makes their home in Darlington.

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