BioM: Resch, Sarah (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Resch, Tatro, Brice, Losinski, Johansen, Wanta, Trzebiatowski, Winter, Newton, Elliott, Utecht, Darr, Waldvogel, Kramer

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 12 Dec. 2007; Page 11

---Resch, Sarah (Marriage - 14 July 2007)


Sarah Resch and Christopher Tatro were married July 14, 2007, at St. Anne's Catholic Church, Wausau. Rev. Steven Brice officiated at the afternoon ceremony with music by organist Nancy Losinski and soloist Shane Resch.

The bride is the daughter of Timothy and Dorothy Resch, Wausau. The groom is the son of Roger and the late Janet Tatro, White Lake. Maid of honor was Krista Johansen, Menomonie; and Eric Tatro, brother of the groom, Eland, was best man.

Bridesmaids included Valeen Wanta, Weston; Jenny Trzebiatowski, Plover; Julia Winter, Madison; Tara Newton, Menomonee Falls; and Carrie Resch, Wausau. Taylor Elliott, Aniwa, was miniature bride; and flower girl was Ella Tatro, Eland.

Groomsmen were Brandon Resch, Wausau; Luke Utecht, Green Bay; Shane Tatro, Antigo; Mark Darr, Phelps; and Rob Elliott, Aniwa. Miniature groom was Dylon Waldvogel, Antigo.

Serving as ushers were Jerry Kramer, Weston; and Bill Tatro, Antigo.

A reception was held at Stoney Creek Inn, Rothschild. The couple honeymooned on Maui and Kauai, Hawaii.

Sara is employed at Church Mutual Insurance, Merrill. Christopher is employed at Wausau Homes.

The couple lives in Weston.

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