BioM: Roets, Stephanie (2007)

Trasncribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Roets, Wegner, Klemm, Reich, Borchardt, Gilson, Leyk, Prebig

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 12 Dec. 2007; Page 11

---Roets, Stephanie (Marriage - 2 June 2007)


Stephanie Roets and Adam Wegner were married June 2, 2007, at the home of the groom's parents in Merrill. Rev. David Klemm officiated at the late afternoon ceremony, where music was provided by organist Doris Clausen.

The bride is the daughter of Steven and Cheryl Roets, Merrill. The groom is the son of David and Lynn Wegner, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Andrea Roets, sister of the bride; matron of honor was Ellie Reich, sister of the bride; and Brad Borchardt, the groom's brother-in-law was best man.

Amber Borchardt, sister of the groom; and Shannon Gilson were bridesmaids. Flower girl was Hannah Garcia and personal attendant was Katie Martens.

Groomsmen included Kevin Borchardt; Steven M. Roets, brother of the bride; and Ryan Leyk.

Ushers were John Reich, the bride's brother-in-law; and Matt Prebig, the groom's cousin.

A reception was held at Willow Springs Garden. They honeymooned in Upper Michigan.

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