BioM: Adams, Kali Lynn (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Adams, Storm, Powell, Ament, Karpenske, Duley, Pike, Hartwig, Kretchmer

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 19 Dec. 2007; Page 9

---Adams, Kali Lynn (Marriage - 6 Oct. 2007)


Kali Lynn Adams and Andrew Frederick Storm, were married Oct. 6, 2007, at St. Francis Catholic Church, Merrill. Rev. Edward Powell officiated at the afternoon ceremony, with music provided by organist Mary Ament and vocalists Jessica Karpenske and Joseph Storm.

The bride is the daughter of John and Barbara Adams, Merrill. The groom is the son of Frederick and Rose Storm, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Kara Adams, sister of the bride, Merrill; and Joseph Storm, brother of the groom, Merrill, was best man.

Bridesmaids were Amelia Duley, Merrill; and Stacy Pike, Wausau.

Acting as groomsmen were Ryan Adams, brother of the bride, Platteville; and Brett Hartwig, the groom's cousin, Schofield.

Ushers were Joseph Kretchmer, the bride's cousin, Eau Claire; and Corey Hartwig, the groom's cousin, Schofield.

A reception was held at the Smith Center, MARC, Merrill. The couple took a driving honeymoon trip to Maine.

Kali is a physician assistant for Marshfield Clinic Cardiology. The groom is a press operator for Reindl Printing, Merrill.

The couple resides in Merrill.

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