BioM: Strom, Jillian (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Strom, Groshek, Horath, Heyel, Casey, Beyer, Roberts, Brown, Schroeder, Albrect, Rausch, Kloss, Vesley, Utect, Hoeft, Hill

----Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 26 Dec. 2007; Page 13

---- Strom, Jillian (Marriage -2 June 2007)

Jillian Strom, Merrill, and Andrew Groshek, Wausau, were married June 2, 2007, at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Merrill. Rev. Jim Horath officiated at the afternoon ceremony, with music provide by organist Sister Joelle.

The bride is the daughter of Steven and Rose Strom. The groom is the son of Steve and Mary Groshek.

Maid of honor was Jessica Heyel, Merrill; and Jeff Casey, Wausau, was best man.

Bridesmaids included Jessica Beyer, Merrill; Katie Roberts, Madison; Liz Brown, Merrill; Becky Groshek, sister of the groom, and Beck Schroeder. Miniature bridesmaid was Isabella Heyel and flower girls were Lindsay and Emily Albrect, the groom-s cousins, Athens.

Serving as groomsmen were Steve Strom, Jr., brother of the bride, Merrill; Chris Rausch and Tom Kloss, both of Wausau, Ross Vesley, the groom-s cousin, Wausau, and Mark Utect, Wausau. A miniature groomsman was Isaiah Heyel.

Ushers were Nick Hoeft, Merrill; and Mike Hill, Wausau.

A reception was held at Ed & Sharon-s, Merrill. Jillian is employed at C & H Packaging in Merrill. Andrew works for Master Woodwork. The couple lives in Merrill.

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