Obit: Rathke, Evelyn M. (1914 - 2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Rathke, Umlauft, Townsend, Krieg, Zoppa, Dahl, Anderson, Hanson

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 12 July 2006; Page 9

---Rathke, Evelyn M. (1 Aug. 1914 - 30 June 2006)

Evelyn M. Rathke

Evelyn M. Rathke, 91, of New London, died Friday, June 30, 2006, at St. Joseph-s Residence, New London.

Born in Tomahawk on Aug. 1, 1914, Evelyn was the daughter of Mary Umlauft Townsend and George Krieg. She married Wilburt Rathke in Merrill on June 4, 1941. He preceded her in death on April 24, 1964.

Evelyn was educated in the Tomahawk Public Schools and Lincoln County Normal School. She taught in elementary schools in Lincoln County, Merrill, Bloomer and Oconto. After the death of her husband she returned to college. She received a B.E. degree in 1967 and taught in the Stevens Point Area Public Schools until her retirement in 1980. She moved back to Merrill in 1981. Evelyn liked sports, music, children, sewing and doing handwork. She was active in Girl Scouts, a Past Guardian of the Job-s Daughters Bethel No. 39 in Oconto, active in church work, the Red Cross Volunteers, a charter member of the Merrill Eagles Auxiliary, and a member of the Lincoln County Retired Teachers. She shared her love for music with others by contributing to their music education.

Surviving are her daughter Gail (Cristopher) Zoppa, New London; granddaughter Amanda; sisters Katherine Dahl, Merrill; and Frances (Robert) Anderson, Tomahawk; and brother Charles (Pat) Hanson, Verona. She was preceded in death by her parents George Krieg and Mary Townsend and brother George Krieg.

Funeral services were Thursday, July 6, at the Waid Funeral Home, Merrill. Rev. Earl Eckhart officiated. Burial was in Merrill Memorial Park.

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