Obit: Schmitt, Nicholas (1830 - 1914)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Schmitt

---Source: The Grand Rapids Tribune (Grand Rapids, Wood Co., Wis.) 19 Aug. 1914

---Schmitt, Nicholas (8 March 1830 - Aug. 1914)

Death of a Former Resident

Nicholas Schmitt, at one time a resident of Grand Rapids, died at his home at Merrill on Saturday after an illness of several years, due principally to old age.

The remains were taken to Stevens Point where they were interred on Monday afternoon.

Deceased was a native of Bavaria, where he was born on the 8th of March, 1830, and came to America in 1853. He was a resident of Grand Rapids for 22 years and went from here to Stevens Point, and later to Merrill.

Mrs. M. A. Bogoger of this city is a daughter of the deceased.

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