Obit: Riebe, Bruce "Louse" (1928 - 2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Riebe, Pophal, Ricketts, Burton

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 21 Feb. 2007; page 9

---Riebe, Bruce "Louse" (11 Nov. 1928 - 16 Feb. 2007)

Bruce Riebe

Bruce "Louse" Riebe, 78, Sacramento, Calif, died Friday, Feb. 16, 2007.

Originally from Merrill, Bruce was born to the late Edward and Elsie Riebe on Nov. 11, 1928.

Bruce proudly served in World War II, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War. He retired from the U.S. Air Force.

Survivors include his wife of 54 years, Delores Pophal Riebe; sons Terry, Timothy and Tracy (Robin); daughters Tonya (Michael) Ricketts and Tasha (John) Burton; and grandchildren Tiffany, Leighty, Tyler, Thomas and Tia Riebe-Ricketts; Tajon and Trevor Burton and Teresa and Troy Riebe.

"Poppie" was a great family man and he will be remembered for his kindness, wisdom and loving heart. He will always be in our hearts.

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