BioM: Polebitski, Megan (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Polebitski, Kaminski, Luedtke, Koehler, Rector, Kaminski, Schulz, Krueger, Mootz, Wyland

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 27 Dec. 2006; page 11

---Polebitski, Megan (Marriage - 6 May 2006)


Megan Polebitski and Daniel Kaminski were married May 6, 2006, in St. Stephen's United Church of Christ, Merrill.

The bride is the daughter of Richard and Christine Polebitski, Merrill. The groom is the son of David and Gail Kaminski, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Tania Luedtke, Marathon; and Matt Koehler, Merrill, was best man.

Serving as bridesmaids were Michelle Rector, sister of the bride, Oshkosh; Melissa Polebitski, sister of the bride, Merrill; Stefanie Kaminski, Merrill; and Danielle Schulz, Merrill.

Groomsmen included Ryan Krueger, Merrill; Craig Mootz, Merrill; Jay Kaminski, the groom's cousin, Merrill; and Jason Wyland, Merrill.

Ushers were David Polebitski, brother of the bride, Stevens Point; Scott Polebitski, brother of the bride, Milwaukee; Nick Kaminski, brother of the groom, Merrill; and Kevin Berndt, Merrill.

A reception was held at The Arena, Merrill. The couple honeymooned in September in Florida and the Bahamas.

Megan is employed at the Marshfield Clinic-Wausau Center. Dan is employed at Reindl Printing, Merrill.

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