BioM: Brandt, Morgan Jean (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Brandt, Benedict, Beversdorf, Schneider, Wollersheim, Woller, Schuchart, Loekmoen, Nyen, Stine

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 20 Dec. 2006; page 13

---Brandt, Morgan Jean (Marriage - 2 Sept. 2006)


Morgan Jean Brandt and John Robert Benedict, both of Merrill, were married Sept. 2, 2006. Rev. Alden Beversdorf officiated at the afternoon ceremony with music provided by organist Polly Schneider and soloist Heidi Schneider.

The bride is the daughter of Richard (Doug) and Noreen Brandt, Merrill. The groom is the son of Jeff and Joann Benedict, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Hailey Brandt and Sam Wollersheim was best man.

Serving as bridesmaids were Amy Woller, Payge Brandt and Jennifer Schuchart. Junior bridesmaid was Amanda Nyen.

Groomsmen included Andy Lokemoen, Quinn Brandt and Cory Schuchart. Ring bearer was Nevin Nyen.

Ushers were Garrett Stine, Shay Benedict and Seth Benedict.

A reception was held lake side at Jeff and Joann Benedict's residence. They are planning a honeymoon in Italy at a later date.

Morgan is a designer and John works in customer service/sales. They live in Merrill.

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