BioM: Schraufnagel, Jamie Lois Ann (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Schraufnagel, Kolka, Horath, Czaikowski, Rolak, Justesen, Mueller, Riddle

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 29 Nov. 2006; page 9

---Schraufnagel, Jamie Lois Ann (Marriage - 16 Sept. 2006)


Jamie Lois Ann Schraufnagel and Kraig Michael Kolka, both of Merrill, were married Sept. 16, 2006, at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Merrill. Rev. James Horath officiated at the early afternoon ceremony, where music was provided by Tiffany Czaikowski on the piano, Stacy Rolak on the violin and Kelly Rolak on the viola.

The bride is the daughter of Terry and Faye Schraufnagel, Colby. The groom is the son of Ted and Helen Kolka, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Molly Schraufnagel, the bride's sister-in-law, Thorp; and Kyle Kolka, brother of the groom, Athens, was best man.

Bridesmaids were Kelly Justesen, sister of the groom, Wausau; and Christine Schraufnagel, the bride's sister-in-law, Casco. Flower girls were Emma Justesen, the groom's niece; and Kate Schraufnagel, the bride's niece. Personal attendant was Lori Mueller, the bride's aunt. Program attendants were MaKayla Taylor and Erin Riddle.

Groomsmen included Glen Schraufnagel, brother of the bride, Thorp; and Galen Schraufnagel, brother of the bride, Casco. Ring bearer was Jacob Justesen, the groom's nephew.

Ushers were Erik Justesen, the groom's brother-in-law, Wausau; and Jacob Mueller, the bride's cousin, Abbotsford.

A reception was held at Memories Ballroom. The couple are planning a honeymoon trip to Italy and Europe at a later date.

Jamie is an occupational and certified hand therapist at the Diagnostic and Treatment Center, Weston. Kraig is a sales representative in the outdoor industry.

They reside in Merrill.

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