BioM: Brock, Kari (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Brock, Entenmann, Krueger, Voelz, Dietrich, Scott, Seeger, Immel, Hanke, Holmes, Heckart

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 29 Nov. 2006; page 9

---Brock, Kari (Marriage - 21 Oct. 2006)


Kari Brock and Arlo Entenmann, both of Merrill, were married Oct. 21, 2006. Traci Krueger officiated.

The bride is the daughter of Charles and Karen Brock, Merrill. The groom is the son of Nancy Voelz, Merrill, and Mike Entenmann, Rib Lake.

Maid of honor was Tina Dietrich, Connecticut, and Guy Entenmann, brother of the groom, Chippewa Falls, was best man.

Bridesmaids included April Scott, Lindsay Seeger and Lily Immel, all of Merrill. Flower girls were Bailey and Paige Entenmann, the groom's nieces, Chippewa Falls.

Serving as groomsmen were Jesse Hanke and Tim Seeger, both of Merrill; and Jessie Holmes, the bride's nephew, Merrill. Ring holder was Vincent Entenmann, son of the bride and groom.

Ushers were Dagan Heckart, Merrill; and Coleen Brock, sister of the bride, Merrill. Mini ushers were Jerry and Marcelle Holmes, the bride's nephews, Merrill.

A reception was held at the Lincoln County Sports Club.

Kari is lawn and garden department manager at Wal-Mart. Arlo is second shift maintenance at Lincoln Wood Products in Merrill. They live in Merrill.

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