BioM: Gegner, Michelle (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Genger, Satter, Eckhart, Ziemke, Cochrane, Wendorf, Brock, Bahr, Grund, Heuser, Block, Erdmann, Josiger, Abraham

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 29 Nov. 2006; page 9

---Gegner, Michelle (Marriage - 2 Sept. 2006)


Michelle Gegner and Christopher Satter, both of Merrill, were joined in marriage on Sept. 2, 2006, at St. Stephen's United Church of Christ, Merrill. Rev. Earl Eckhart officiated at the afternoon ceremony, with music provided by organist/soloist Barb Ziemke.

The bride is the daughter of Kristine and Richard Cochrane, North Fort Myers, Fla. The groom is the son of Rose Wendorf, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Kari Brock, Merrill, and Amy Bahr, sister of the bride, Wausau, was matron of honor. Best men were Jamie Grund, Tomahawk, and Joe Heuser, Merrill.

Bridesmaid was Brittany Wendorf, sister of the groom, Merrill. Groomsman was Ryan Block, Athens. Ring bearer was Steven Erdmann, the groom's nephew, Wausau.

Ushers were Todd Josiger, the groom's cousin, Merrill; and Chuck Abraham, the groom's uncle, Wausau.

A reception was held at Willow Springs Garden, Wausau. The couple honeymooned in the Bayfield/Madeline Island area.

Both Michelle and Christopher are overnight stockers at Wal-Mart in Merrill.

The pair lives in Merrill.

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