BioM: Vander Heiden, Vicky (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Vander Heiden, Lawrence, Ourada, Kalhagen, Love, Snede, Voigt, Schelbert, Latzig, Estreen, Augustine, Isaacson, Myre, Connors, Kindschy, Mueller

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 29 Nov. 2006; page 9

---Vander Heiden, Vicky (Marriage - 12 Aug. 2006)

Vander Heiden-Lawrence

Vicky Vander Heiden and Gordon Lawrence were married Aug. 12, 2006, in an afternoon ceremony at the Dells of the Eau Claire River east of Wausau.

The bride is the daughter of Terry and Dan Vander Heiden, Merrill. The groom is the son of Paula and Chuck Lawrence, Stone Lake.

Maid of honor was Sarah Vander Heiden, sister of the bride, and Peter Lawrence, brother of the groom, was best man.

Bridesmaids included Ashley Ourada, Kristin Kalhagen, Bridget Love, Sara Snede, Ericka Voigt and Anna Schelbert. Personal attendant was Sarah Latzig.

Groomsmen were Joshua Estreen, Ryan Augustine, Jason Isaacson, Adam Myre, Ryan Connors, and brother of the bride, Mark Vander Heiden.

Ushers were Adam Kindschy and Lauri Mueller.

A dinner and reception was held at the Sundance Chalet of Granite Peak Ski Area, Wausau. The couple honeymooned at a resort near Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

Vicky is a nurse at University of Minnesota Children's Hospital-Fairview in Minneapolis, Minn. Gordon is a biomedical engineer for Augustine Biomedical + Design in Eden Prairie, Minn.

The couple lives in Minneapolis, Minn.

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