BioM: Goetsch, Lesley (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Goetsch, Kadlec, Weiland, Koch, Michels, Felmlee, Tait, LeDuc, Weber, Crowe, Martino

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 18 Oct. 2006; page 9

---Goetsch, Lesley (Marriage - 12 Aug. 2006)


Lesley Goetsch and Neil Kadlec Sr. were married Aug. 12, 2006, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Minocqua. Rev. James Weiland officiated at the afternoon ceremony, with music provided by organist Sylvia Koch and soloist Missy Michels.

The bride is the daughter of Bill and Joan Felmlee, Jim Falls, and the late Caroline Felmlee. The groom is the son of the late George and Gladys Kadlec.

Matron of honor was Karen Tait, Minocqua; and Neil Kadlec Jr., son of the groom, Eagle River, was best man.

Bridesmaids included Samantha Goetsch, daughter of the bride, Whitewater; Amelia Goetsch, daughter of the bride, Eagle River; and Joyce LeDuc, Wausau.

Serving as groomsmen were Tim Weber, Minocqua; and Tim Crowe, Eagle River.

Ushers were Tyler Goetsch, son of the bride, Eagle River; and Zachary Martino, the bride's nephew, Chippewa Falls.

A reception was held at The Pointe Waterfront Resort, Minocqua. The couple honeymooned in Naperville, Ill.

Lesley is director of health information at Howard Young Medical Center, Woodruff. Neil is regional reimbursement specialist, Ministry Health Care-Northern Region. The couple lives in Eagle River.

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