BioM: Ronis, Becky (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Ronis, Kimmons, Klemm, Gravel, Merkel, Hanson, Kunze, Thorn, Everette, Bryan, Blum, Coates, Neumann, Schmidt, Krall, Fischer, Mondiek

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 16 Aug. 2006; Page 11

---Ronis, Becky (Marriage - 3 June 2006)


Becky Ronis and Shaun Kimmons, both of Irma, were united in marriage on June 3, 2006, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Merrill. Pastor Klemm officiated the ceremony. Music was provided by organist Katie Gravel and soloist Debbie Merkel.

The bride is the daughter of John and Katie Ronis, Gleason. The groom is the son of Willie and Cindy Kimmons, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Jenah Hanson, Antigo; and Luke Kunze, Colorado Springs, Colo., was best man.

Serving as bridesmaids were Lisa Thom, Antigo; Tiffany Everette, Wausau; Britni Bryan, Harcker Heights, Texas; Amanda Ronis, Gleason; Jennifer Blum, Merrill; Jesseca Coates, Merrill; and Kristy Neumann, Merrill. The miniature bride was McKenzie Kimmons. The bride's personal attendant was Carrie Ronis, Gleason.

Groomsmen were Cody Schmidt, Merrill; Dan Krall, Wausau; Tim Ronis, Gleason; Jeremy Fischer, Merrill; Kim Blum, Merrill; Josh Coates, Merrill; Rick Neumann, Merrill; and the ring bearer was Drew Polak. The miniature groom was Justin Mondiek, Gleason.

Ushers were Kenny Clifton, South Beloit, and Alan Burden, Janesville. Usherettes were Danielle Zimmerman, Merrill, and Kristy Hall, Marathon.

A reception was held at the Comfort Inn, Tomahawk. The pair honeymooned in St. Maries, Idaho.

Becky is a claims processor with Church Mutual. Shaun is the owner of Kimmons Roofing.

They live in Irma.

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