BioM: Zimmerman, Christine (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Zimemrman, Eder, Jacobson, Nikolai, Worlin, Emmer, Guenther, Herrin, Piff, Semple

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 23 Aug 2006; Page 11

---Zimmerman, Christine (Marriage - 6 May 2006)


Christine Zimmerman, Merrill, and Mathew Eder, Rothschild, were united in marriage on May 6, 2006, at Hillside Fellowship, Merrill. Rev. Rod Zimmerman, brother of the bride, and Rev. Arni Jacobson officiated at the afternoon ceremony. Music was provided by pianist Brenda Zimmerman, the bride's sister-in-law and vocalists Peggy Nikolai and Pam Worlin.

The bride is the daughter of Pat and Kathy Zimmerman, Merrill. The groom is the son of Daniel and Garilyn Eder, Merrill.

Matron of honor was Michelle Zimmerman, the bride's sister-in-law, Green Bay; and Joe Eder, the groom's cousin, Glidden, was best man.

Bridesmaids included Jenny Eder, sister of the groom, Merrill; and Shannon Worlin, Merrill. Jr. bridesmaid was Alexandria Zimmerman, the bride's niece, Green Bay; and Sydney Zimmerman, another of the bride's nieces was flower girl. Personal attendants were Carla Emmer and Kim Guenther, both of Merrill.

Serving as groomsmen were Ryan Herrin, Colorado Springs, Colo.; and Jeremy Piff, Glidden. Jr. groomsman was Bryce Zimmerman, the bride's nephew, Medford; and two others of the bride's nephews, Michael and Nicholas Zimmerman, Green Bay, were ring bearers.

Ushers were Tim Zimmerman, brother of the bride, Medford; and Will Semple, Milwaukee.

There was a reception and dinner for the couple at Hillside Fellowship. They honeymooned in Door County.

Christine is a provider service representative with Wausau Benefits Inc. Mathew is a welder at Greenheck Fan in Schofield. They live in Rothschild.

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