BioM: Hass, Kimberly LaRae (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Hass, Schmid

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 5 July 2006; page 10

---Hass, Kimberly LaRae (Marriage - 7 Feb. 2006)


Kimberly LaRae Hass and Ryan Schmid were married Feb. 7, 2006, at Breezes Runaway Bay Resort in Jamaica.

The bride is the daughter of Roger and Janean Hass, Merrill. The groom is the son of Richard and Sue Schmid, Verona.

Kimberly graduated from Merrill High School and received a dietetic technician degree from MATC. She is a nutritionist for University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison. Ryan is a 1991 graduate of Verona High School and received a BS degree in industrial engineering from UW Madison. He is an investment advisor and owns Schmid Financial in downtown Verona.

The couple resides in Verona. A reception will be held at a later date.

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