BioM: Rice, Rebecca (2005)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Rice, Woller, Klemm, Kotschi, Williams, Sabatke, Schulz, Kleinschmidt, Yanda, Herlihy, Houle, Yingling

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 5 July 2006; page 10

---Rice, Rebecca (Marriage - 4 June 2005)


Rebecca Rice and Matthew Woller, both of Merrill, were united in matrimony on June 4, 2005, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Merrill. Rev. David Klemm officiated at the afternoon ceremony, where music was provided by organist Polly Schneider.

The bride is the daughter of Scott Rice and Sharon Rice (Phil Kotschi), both of Merrill. The groom is the son of Mary Woller, Merrill, and the late Robert Woller Jr.

Maid of honor was Jessica Rice, sister of the bride, Merrill; and Eric Williams, Merrill, was best man.

Bridesmaids included Beth Sabatke, Merrill; Beckie Woller, the groom-s cousin, Merrill; and Jenny Schulz, Schofield. Flower girls were Tapanga Woller, daughter of the couple, Merrill; Alexia Kleinschmidt, the bride-s niece, Merrill; and Amber Woller, the groom-s niece, Merrill.

Serving as groomsmen were Scott Yanda, Gleason; John Herlihy, Antigo; and Anthony Woller, the groom-s cousin, Merrill. Ring bearer was Dawson Woller, the groom-s nephew, Merrill.

Ushers were Mike Houle, Gleason; and Bryan Yingling, Merrill.

A reception was held at the Smith Center, MARC, Merrill.

Rebecca is a production clerk. Matthew is a warehouse worker. They live in Merrill.

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