BioM: Prast, Heidi Beth (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Prast, Hoock, Danner, Barlau, Plautz, Lee, Traeder, Akey, Schield

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 5 July 2006; page 10

---Prast, Heidi Beth (Marriage - 5 May 2006)


Heidi Beth Prast and Geoffrey Thomas Hoock, both of Merrill, were united in holy matrimony on May 5, 2006, in Immanuel Lutheran Church, Merrill. Rev. Joel Danner officiated at the late afternoon wedding, with music provided by organist Anita Barlau and vocalists Cathy Danner and Rev. Joel Danner.

The bride is the daughter of Philip and Deanna Prast, Merrill. The groom is the son of Gerald and Lori Hoock, Merrill.

Matron of honor was Jenna Plautz, Merrill; and Matthew Hoock, brother of the groom, Merrill, was best man.

Bridesmaid was Lindsey Hoock, sister of the groom, Merrill; and Heather Hoock, the groom-s sister-in-law was personal attendant.

Groomsman was Joshua Lee, Merrill; and ring bearer was Jack Hoock, nephew of the groom.

Ushers were Lesley Traeder, Madison; Beth Akey, Plover; and Brent Schield, the bride-s cousin, Tomahawk.

A reception was held at the Corning Town Hall. The couple honeymooned in Hawaii.

Heidi is a certified veterinary technician at Rockwood Hospital for Pets in Merrill. Geoffrey is a maintenance technician for Security Realty in Wausau.

They reside in Merrill.

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