BioM: Koch, Erin (2005)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Koch, Hintz, Klemm, Pionek, Gorshek, Resop

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 13 Sept. 2006; Page 10

---Koch, Erin (Marriage - 22 Oct. 2005)


Erin Koch and Terry Hintz were united in marriage on Oct. 22, 2005, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Merrill. Pastor David Klemm officiated the ceremony. Music was provided by Deb Pionek and Cindy Groshek, Stevens Point, and Tammy Resop, Kewaskum.

The bride is the daughter of Jamie and Barb Koch, Merrill. The groom is the son of John and Gen Hintz, Stevens Point.

Matron of honor was Summer Elston, La Crosse, and serving as best man was Rick Biegle, Madison.

Bridesmaids were Renee Napiwocki, Stevens Point; Monica Jensen, Portland, Ore.; and Kristi Hammill, Madison.

Groomsmen were Jesse Koch, Greenville; Pat Becker, St. Louis Park, Minn.; and Andy Pope, Madison.

Serving as ushers were Craig Hintz and Kris Roth, both of Stevens Point. Readers were Jim Wolf, Rensselaer, N.Y., and Brenda Parsons, Wauwatosa.

A dinner and reception were held at the Wausau Country Club.

The couple honeymooned in Negril, Jamaica.

The University of Wisconsin System employs Erin and Terry works at Covance Laboratories in Madison.

The couple resides in Marshall.

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