BioM: Kultgen, Shelly (2005)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Kultgen, Bruno, Hinz, Bichanich, Larsen, Learmont, Feenstra, Koop, Campbell, Schofield, Rodeweltz, Johnson, Ludwig, Nickell, Kulgen, Taber, Nordman, Haug

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 13 Sept. 2006; Page 10

---Kultgen, Shelly (Marriage - 29 Oct. 2005)


Shelly Kultgen and Tony Bruno were married Oct. 29, 2005, at Luther Memorial Church, Gleason. Rev. Steven Anderson officiated.

The bride is the daughter of Robert and Cherie Kultgen, Merrill. The groom is the son of Wayne and Kathy Bruno, Merrimac.

Matron of honor was Marcy Hinz, DeForest; and Tony Bichanich, Madison, was best man.

Serving as bridesmaids were Megan Larsen, Oshkosh; Kris Learmont, Minneapolis, Minn.; Pam Feenstra, Durham, N.C.; Krista Koop, La Crosse; and Anne Bruno-Campbell, Blaine, Minn. Personal attendants were Amy Schofield, Oshkosh; and Jennifer Podeweltz, Merrill.

Groomsmen included Dan Bichanich, Madison; Brian Johnson, Schleswig, Iowa; Brian Ludwig, Madison; Todd Nickell, Eden Prairie, Minn.; and Aaron Kultgen, Merrill.

Ushers were Aaron Campbell, Blaine, Minn.; Chris Taber, Minneapolis, Minn.; and Charlie Nordman and Brian Haug, both of Chicago, Ill.

A dinner and dance followed the ceremony at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites in Rothschild. The couple honeymooned in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Shelly is a 1999 graduate of Merrill High School and a 2004 graduate of UW La Crosse. She is a human resources coordinator for Ralcorp Frozen Bakery Products in Minneapolis, Minn. Tony is a 1995 graduate of Sauk Prairie High School and a 2000 graduate of Iowa State University. He is a senior product planning engineer for the Trane Company in St. Paul, Minn.

The couple resides in Blaine, Minn.

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