BioM: Biggs, Stacy (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Biggs, Opper, Zupansic, De Losh, Haltinner, Peterson, Yingling, Podgorski, Brooks, Kersten, Pike

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 20 Sept. 2006; page 10

---Biggs, Stacy (Marriage - 5 Aug. 2006)


Stacy Biggs and Corey Opper, both of Stevens Point, were united in marriage on Aug. 5, 2006, at Calvary Lutheran Church, Merrill. Pastor Mary Zupansic officiated the ceremony. Organist and soloist Faye De Losh provided music.

The bride is the daughter of Richard and LeaAnn Biggs, Merrill. The groom is the son of Brian and Donna Opper, Merrill.

Maid of honor was Heidi Haltinner, Merrill. Best man was Chris Peterson, Chippewa Falls.

Bridesmaids were Sarah Yingling, sister of the bride, Merrill; and Nikki Podgorski, sister of the groom, Merrill. Flower girls were Kaylnn Podgorski, niece of the groom, Merrill and Emma Brooks, Wild Rose.

Groomsmen were Dan Kersten, cousin of the groom, Wausau; and Kortney Pike, Merrill. Ushers were Jason Yingling, brother-in-law of bride, Merrill; and Mike Kersten, cousin of the groom, Wausau.

A reception was held for the couple at Henrichs Club, Merrill.

The bride is a teacher at Rib Mountain Montessori. The groom is a high/middle school technology education teacher for Rosholt School District.

The pair resides in Stevens Point.

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