BioM: Frank, Elizabeth Ann (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Frank, Mertens, Strook, Trakel, Perrott

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 25 Oct 2006; page 10

---Frank, Elizabeth Ann (Marriage - 26 Aug. 2006)


Elizabeth Ann Frank and Jeffry Adam Mertens were united in marriage on Aug. 26, 2006. The ceremony took place at the bride's family cottage in Oshkosh on a beautiful summer day.

The bride is the daughter of William and Laura Frank, Merrill. The groom is the son of Todd and Cindy Strook, Marquette.

Maid of honor was Angela Frank, sister of the bride; and Joe Mertens, twin brother of the groom, was best man.

Bridesmaids were Becky Mertens, sister of the groom; Amanda Trakel; and Abigail Perrott, sister of the bride.

Groomsmen included Chris Frank, brother of the bride; Reese Mertens, brother of the groom; and Clint Mertens, brother of the groom.

The couple honeymooned in Las Vegas, Nev., and reside in Oshkosh.

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