BioM: Giese, Amanda (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Geise, Woller, Saunders, Paukner, Borchardt, Beigel, Beran, Zuelscorff, Wendt, Nyman, Sorby

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 25 Oct 2006; page 10

---Giese, Amanda (Marriage - 23 Sept. 2006)


Amanda Giese and Samson Woller, both of Merrill, were married Sept. 23, 2006, at Christ United Methodist Church, Merrill. Rev. Carolyn Saunders officiated at the late afternoon ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Sherry and Russell Paukner and John and Charlene Giese.

Bridesmaids included Amy Borchardt, The Plains, Ohio; Mallory Beigel, Bancroft; Samatha Beran, Edgar; and Julie Zuelscorff, Merrill.

Serving as groomsmen were Josh Wendt, Jay Nyman and John Wendt, all of Merrill; and Charlie Giese, brother of the bride, Stevens Point.

Ushers were Heather Sorby, step-sister of the bride, Merrill; and David Woller, brother of the groom, Gleason.

A reception was held at The Arena Banquet Hall, Merrill. The couple plans to take a honeymoon at a later date.

Amanda graduated from a medical assistant program. Samson is an over the road truck driver for WH Transportation. The couple lives in Merrill. They have two children together, Madison and Bryan Woller.

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