BioA: Marquardt, Norman & Mabel (60th - 2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Marquardt, Partyka, Cole

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 18 Oct. 2006; page 9

---Marquardt, Norman & Mabel (60th - 16 Sept. 2006)

Norman and Mabel Marquardt

Norman and Mabel Marquardt, of the town of Maine, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Sept. 16, 2006, with a family gathering at Pinewood Supper Club in Mosinee and evening at The Lodge at Cedar Creek in Rothschild.

Present at the celebration were children Allen (Barb) Marquardt, St. Cloud, Minn.; and Joy Marquardt, Merrill; and grandchildren Lisa (Christopher) Partyka, Blaine, Minn.; and Michelle Marquardt and special friend Travis Cole, Rochester, Minn.

The couple were married Sept. 14, 1946, at Trinity Lutheran Church in the town of Berlin. They are members of Faith Lutheran Church, formerly Zion Lutheran Church, in the town of Maine, where Norman has been a lifelong member and served on the Cemetery Committee and Mabel was an instructor with the Sunday School program. Both also served on the cardboard recycling project that generated funds to help construct the new church building.

Norman and Mabel retired from dairy farming in 1976. Over the years they have enjoyed traveling, cooking maple syrup and spending time with their family.

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