BioA: Krahn, Robert & Audrey (Golden - 2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Krahn, Maluegge, Rajek, Kaufman, Rankin, loechl, Zemanek, Gennrich, Bauman

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 12 July 2006; Page 11

---Krahn, Robert & Audrey (Golden - 17 June 2006)

Robert and Audrey Krahn

Robert "Bob" and Audrey Krahn, Middleton, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 17, with a gathering of family and friends at the Boondocks Restaurant on Lake Jordan in the Wisconsin Dells. The event was hosted by their daughter Robin, son-in-law Steve, and their granddaughter Stephanie. Members of the original wedding party attending included Ruth Maluegge Rajek, the maid of honor; bridesmaid Marcia Kaufman Rankin and flower girl Ann Bloechl Zemanek; best man Milton Krahn; and groomsmen Marland Gennrich and Lyle Bauman.

Bob and the former Audrey Gennrich were married June 16, 1956, in Immanuel Lutheran Church, Doering. Their reception and dance were held at the Lakeview Ballroom in Merrill. They moved to Middleton immediately after the wedding and later built their first home there on Old Sauk Rd.

Bob's career as an operating engineer began at Holzem Construction following his two years in the Army, most of which he spent stationed in Germany. He then dedicated 24 years to the Bruce Company in Middleton, before his retirement in 1993. Audrey's career was as an elementary school teacher. She first taught in a one-room school house, Spring Brook, in Doering. After their move she taught at Middleton Junction Elementary and in the Verona School District before retiring after a 35 year career.

Bob has a passion for bowling, golf, fishing, hunting and watching all sports on television. Audrey volunteers at the Optimists and St. Luke's Lutheran Church. They enjoy traveling, especially to spend time with their family and their grandchild, who live in Algonquin, Ill.

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