BioA: Wendorf, Darroll & Lois (60th - 2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Wendorf, Lambrecht, Sievers

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 12 July 2006; Page 11

---Wendorf, Darroll & Lois (60th - 15 June 2006)

Darroll and Lois Wendorf

Darroll W. and Lois A. Wendorf of Merrill celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 15. Darroll and the former Lois Ann Lambrecht were married June 15, 1946, in a private ceremony at St. John Lutheran Church, Merrill. Rev. Walter Sievers officiated.

The bride wore an aqua and cream dress she purchased from Petermans Dept. Store for $3.69.

Following the ceremony, the wedding party celebrated at the old Watergate Inn in Tomahawk.

The happy couple returned to their (roughed in) apartment on the Wendorf farm. They took their honeymoon 16 years later with five kids out to the Pacific Ocean in a converted school bus camper. There was never a dull moment with three sons and five daughters. Then along came 16 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Over a 10-year period they hosted 16 foster teens in their home as well.

Darroll has been a farmer, carpenter, Railway Express driver and agent, and retired as a school bus driver. Lois was a homemaker, nurse-s aid at Holy Cross Hospital in Merrill, and retired from the U. S. Postal Service as a rural mail carrier. They express a deep appreciation to their family and many friends who have supported them through the years, and ask that God bless them.

Since retiring, the couple has traveled and helped care for their grandchildren. They are active in Sunday School and church. They also help operate their son-s driving range and tend their six riding horses. Lois enjoys cooking, baking, gardening, and volunteers (reading) at Washington School.

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