BioA: Reinhardt, Charles & Faye (Golden - 2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Reinhardt, Bellin, Natzke, Marcus

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 12 July 2006; Page 11

---Reinhardt, Charles & Faye (Golden - 2 June 2006)

Charles and Faye Reinhardt

Charles and Faye Reinhardt of the town of Scott celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May 27, 2006, at Ed & Sharon-s Chicken Coop.

Charles and the former Faye Bellin were married June 2, 1956, in St. Stephen-s Church in Merrill.

Their family includes their children Kim (Nancy) Reinhardt, Kelly (Phillip) Natzke and Kent (Wendy) Reinhardt; and grandchildren Brent and Kaili Reinhardt, Bryant and Danielle Natzke, and Matthew, Marcus and Mason Reinhardt.

Faye and Charles have lived in the town of Scott all their married life and are enjoying retirement in the home they built in 1996. Both are very active and enjoying life to the fullest.

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