Obit: Schwantes, Ernestine Maria Augusta (1849 - 1936)

Transcribed by: Marla Zwakman

Surnames: Schwantes, Beilke, Schmidt, Blackwell, Schultz, Bellin

----Source: Wausau Daily Herald (Wausau, Marathon County, Wis.) Monday, 16 Mar. 1936

----Schwantes, Ernestine Maria Augusta (24 Feb. 1849 - 15 Mar. 1936)

Mrs. Ernestine Maria Augusta Beilke Schwantes, nee Bellin, 87, resident of Marathon county for about 70 years, died yesterday afternoon at 12:05 o'clock at the home of a son, Winfred Beilke, in the town of Maine. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o-clock at the Schramm funeral home in Merrill, the Rev. M. M. Schmidt officiating. Burial will be in John's cemetery in the town of Maine.

Born in Germany February 24, 1849, the deceased came to this country with her parents when a child and to Marathon county about seventy years ago. She was married in Merrill July 18, 1868, to Albert Beilke who preceded her in death some time ago. In 1917 she was married to August Schwantes.

Besides the widower, from whom she was separated, she is survived by three children, by her first marriage, Mrs. Martha Blackwell of Minneapolis, Arthur Beilke of Wausau and Winfred Beilke of the town of Maine; one sister, Mrs. Maria Schultz whose address is unknown; two brothers, Fred Bellin of the state of Nebraska and Albert Bellin of Pine River; also eighteen grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

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