Bio: Boehm, Jennifer (Engagement - 2006)

Transcribed by Crystal Wend

Surnames: Boehm, Podeweltz

---Source: Merrill Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 22 Mar. 2006; page 11


Jennifer Boehm and Ryan Podeweltz, both of Merrill, announce their engagement and impending nuptials.

The future bride is the daughter of Lee and Mary Lou Boehm, Athens. Her fianc- is the son of Jeff and Sue Podeweltz, Merrill.

Jennifer has an associate degree in nursing from Northcentral Technical College. She is a registered nurse at Good Samaritan Health Center, Merrill. Ryan has a graphic communications degree from NTC. He is a printer II/graphic arts specialist at Church Mutual Insurance Company in Merrill.

The couple is planning a private ceremony on April 21, 2006, in Negril, Jamaica. There will be a reception for family and friends on Oct. 21.

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