BioM: Butler, Virginia Ruth (2005)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Butler, Moore, Werlein, Cavill, Danaczyk, Grochowski, Morger, Enockson, Lindroth, Hamill, Lane, Whitehead

---Source: Merrill Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 29 Mar. 2006; page 13

---Butler, Virginia Ruth (Marriage - 13 Aug. 2005)

Virginia Ruth Butler and Frederick David Moore were joined in marriage on August 13, 2005, at Walnut Hill Bible Church in Baraboo. Virginia-s uncle, Rev. John Werlien officiated at the afternoon ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Glenn and Michele Butler, Baraboo. The groom is the son of Jeff and Carla Moore, Merrill.

The bridesmaids were Virginia-s sisters: Melissa Butler, a freshman at UW Madison and Grace Butler, a student at Baraboo High School. Serving as groomsmen were Fred-s brothers: Dan, a junior at University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind.; and Brad, a senior at Merrill High School.

Ushers were Stephen Cavill, Chris Danaczyk, Matt Grochowski and Chris Morger. Personal attendants to Virginia were Emily Enockson and Krissy Lindroth. Musicians were Jordan Anderson, Aaron Hamill, Chalsea Lane and Tim Whitehead.

A reception, dinner and dance were held at the Wintergreen Resort and Conference Center in Lake Delton. They took a delayed honeymoon to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in January 2006.

Virginia is enrolled in the School of Nursing at UW Madison with plans to graduate in 2007. Fred received a BA degree in computer science and math from UW Madison in 2004. He is currently finishing his master-s degree in computer science at UW Madison, planning to graduate in May 2006. They live in Madison.

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