BioM: Plawman, Amanda (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Plawman, Barrera, Mallory, Rejon, Jesperson, Castro

---Source: Merrill Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 22 Mar. 2006; page 11

---Plawman, Amanda (Marriage - 21 Jan. 2006)

Amanda Plawman and Jorge Barrera of Eau Claire were united in marriage on Jan. 21, 2006, at the home of the bride-s parents, Jeff and Deb Plawman, Merrill. Pastor Jackie Mallory officiated. Musician was Jeff Plawman, father of the bride.

The bride is the daughter of Jeff and Deb Plawman, Merrill, and Diane Plawman, Spring Hill, Fla. The groom is the son of Maria Delores Rejon, Cancun, Mexico, and Jorge Marcelo Barrera, Cancun, Mexico.

Witnesses were Heidi Jesperson and Raul Castro, both of Eau Claire.

A dinner reception was held at Club Modern, Merrill.

Amanda is a 2005 graduate of UW Eau Claire and is employed by United Heath, Eau Claire. Jorge is the manger of El Patio restaurant in Eau Claire. The couple resides in Eau Claire.

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