BioA: Fruend, Lester & Doris (60th - 2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Fruend, Bacher, Matson, Prueser, Klammer, Yellstrom, Spoehr, Peterson, Wardall, Callahan

---Source: Merrill Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 5 April 2006; page 11

---Fruend, Lester & Doris (60th - 20 Feb. 2006)


Lester and Doris Fruend, N1235 Deer Run Ave., Merrill, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Feb. 20, 2006, with a family get together. Members of the original wedding party present at the get together include Wilbert and Evelyn Fruend and Alice Bacher, all of Merrill. Lester and the former Doris Matson were married Feb. 20, 1946, at St. John Lutheran Church, Merrill.

Lester served during WWII. He and Doris farmed in the town of Pine River for 44 years, just east of Merrill.

They had lived on the farm for 60 years. Doris also taught in one-room rural schools for 10 years.

Lester and Doris raised eight children, Alice (Terry) Prueser, Peggy (Wayne) Klammer, Sally (Louis) Yellstrom, Barb (Gregg) Spoehr, Deanna Fruend, Brian Fruend, Peggy Peterson, Janet (Lee) Wardall, and Lucy (Jesse) Callahan. They also have 10 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

They did numerous tasks for their church.

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