BioM: Delaney, Jessica (2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Delaney, Hansen, Boettcher, VosKamp, Woller, Ewan, Duerr, Barrone, Hamann, Bingham, Zimmerman, Comer, Seitzer, Schuett, Staroska, Flick, D-Angeles

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 7 Feb. 2007; page 10

---Delaney, Jessica (Marriage - 16 Sept. 2006)


Jessica Delaney and Eric Hansen were married Sept. 16, 2006, at Christ of the Bay Lutheran Church. Rev. David Boettcher officiated at the afternoon ceremony with music provided by organist Kristin VosKamp, vocalists Randy and Trish Woller and trumpeter Jamison Ewan.

The bride is the daughter of Tom and Ann Duerr, Merrill. The groom is the son of Mark and Diane Hansen, Merrill; and Jamie and Brenda Barrone, Luxemburg, Wis.

Matron of honor was Mary Hamann, the bride's aunt, Eau Claire: and best man was Seth Bingham, brother of the bride, Merrill.

Bridesmaids included Hanna Zimmerman, Merrill; Stacy Comer, the groom's cousin, Green Bay; and Heather Hansen, sister of the groom, Green Bay. Flower girl was Amaya Comer, the groom's cousin. Personal attendants were Marilyn Seitzer, Green Bay; and Trish Woller, Athens.

Serving as groomsmen were Ryan Schuett, Amittyville, N. Y.; Patrick Woller, the bride's cousin, White Bear Lake, Minn.; and Bryce Barrone, Luxemburg, Wis. Ring bearer was Liam Hamann, the bride's cousin.

Ushers were Tim Woller, the bride's cousin, Athens; and Pete Staroska, brother of the groom, Tucson, Ariz. Greeters were Bailee Flick and Jayda D'Angeles.

A reception was held at The Rock Garden. The couple honeymooned in Riviera Maya.

They reside in Pulaski.

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