BioA: Fruend, Wilbert & Evelyn (61st - 2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Fruend, Karau, Plehn, Heldt

---Source: Merrill Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 5 April 2006; page 11

---Fruend, Wilbert & Evelyn (61st - 31 March 2006)


Wilbert and Evelyn Fruend, 206 N. Stuyvesant St., Merrill, celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary on March 31, 2006.

Wilbert and the former Evelyn Karau were united in marriage on March 31, 1945, at St. Stephen's Church, Merrill.

Wilbert served in the Army Air Force during World War II. He retired from Semling-Menke in Merrill after 44 years. Evelyn was a housewife and enjoyed cooking and baking.

The couple has two daughter, Geraldine (Jerry) Plehn, Sheboygan, and Donna (Jerry) Heldt, Zenis, Calif. They also have six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

They are members of St. John Lutheran Church in Merrill where they have served on various boards and committees.

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